Numeracy Observations.pngImage result for maths

Curriculum Area: Maths Date: Tuesday 18th June 2018
Observer: Cameron Anderson Role: Tutor Teacher
Lesson Focus:

Whole Class Independent – Basic Facts

Lesson started with whole class basic facts. Children to be self-managed and check on the wall the level they are on for basic facts. They came up and collected the basic facts sheet. You gave out clear instructions to check work once they have finished. Children timed and worked quietly on basic facts test. All focussed and engaged. I could really see the children working hard to improve their score and they seem to enjoy the challenge of moving up levels. Great to see the motivation from the majority to improve.

Whole Class lesson: You explained the rotation so each of the children knew what they would be doing during the lesson in their group. It was great that you were nice and firm on those children who were attempting to call out. I liked how you also discuss with the children what would be an appropriate working noise. You reinforced this with reminding them of the prize box. Children went off to get started on rotation. You explained the independent activity (compatible numbers worksheet) to the diamonds group.

Group Lesson – Circles

Started off with the children getting their maths book. You started by talking about book work and how to write the numbers in each box. You shared the WALT with the group:  Solving subtraction problems up to 100 by counting backwards in our heads. Written equations in the modelled book that have been prepared earlier. I liked that you have included students’ names into the problems. A child came up to write the equation up. Children given the opportunity to work out first equation. You gave them some quiet time to solve equations. You then asked a child to share. You then modelled on the whiteboard how to solve the problem in the modelling book. Children given another chance to work out answer. Reinforced the good noise level of the whole class.

Children are writing the equation into their maths books. Worked through questions together with the children. You asked the children to all share their answers and you made sure when one child laughed at someone else answer that they knew that wasn’t appropriate and you called them out twice for it. Great to see that all the children had the opportunity to share their answers before you work with them to get the correct answer. Everyone had a voice and their answers were valued. One child was having trouble answering the questions and you gave him some positive 1:1 help. After this short interaction he was happy to keep working and seemed more positive about the question. You came back an asked him the answer to the question you had helped him with. He wasn’t correct when sharing back but had been earlier. Large amount of group excited to share answers back to group.  When lesson finished the children went to work independently on maths games.

Group Lesson – Triangles

Counted out 5 seconds to get next group to the mat with their maths books with their pen, pencil and ruler. You reminded this group to write one number in each square as you had with the previous group. Got a child to read and share the WALT: Use tens and ones place value to subtract two digit numbers A child read the first problem from the modelling book. Another child came up and explain how to write the equation from the problem and then explain how to do the workings. She shared 97-63= so 7-3 = 4, then 90-60=30. 97-63=34

Once again 3 well prepared problem solving questions and some addition equations in the modelling book. Children are quick to get started. You reminded a child to not use her fingers and try to work it out in her head. Children are asked again to share the equation and girl selected is eager to come up and write it in the modelling book. All children engaged and enjoying working out equations. Children give 5 minutes to complete last 6 questions. You work with them as support and monitor how they are going. Once finished children put their books away and they will be marked tomorrow.

I liked that the diamonds group working independently had been on task and had got out the devices and had been using Manga High as they had been instruction. Children instructed to tidy up and they returned to the mat. Throughout the lesson the children working independently had been on task and working at an appropriate noise level.

Environment: You have your classroom looking amazing as always. I know from experience that the prefab class can be difficult to display work and to make them look welcoming. You have done a great job and your class is both inviting and nicely displays the learning that is going on in Room 10. The artwork is colourful and vibrant. I love the minion sketches, dragon drawings and flower paintings. It’s good to see some SOLO on display too. You have made a large mat space in what can at times feel like a small classroom. Good idea getting rid of your desk if you don’t use it to give you even more space.
Ideas for next time:

–        Try getting the children to think, peer, share for their answers. I know you were doing parts of this. Remember that sharing how they worked out an answer with their peers can be powerful for both students.

–        Do you try having no hands up and selecting any child to share answer with the group?

–        Do you do hot spots or number knowledge warm ups?

Numeracy Observation of me Teaching Numeracy
Curriculum Area: Maths Date: Tuesday 14th March 2017
Observer: Cameron Anderson Role: Tutor Teacher
Lesson Focus:

Started with a counting introduction using YouTube. “I’m waiting until everyone is quiet and listen”, Children stopped and focused. Good encouragement. All children engaged and participating in counting down from 20 dance video. Good monitoring of the children. Redirected Kaden when required. A good introduction to the lesson.

The introduction of lesson recapped on yesterday and discussed what you need to do for ‘Must Do’s’ and ‘Can Do’s’. Used the children to explain and got Tamati to share and show the follow up activity. Shared what the children are required to do for Playdough Can Do and told the children whose turn it would be on the iPads.

Children went off to Must Do’s and the group working with the teacher came down onto the mat with their whiteboards. Using the hundreds board.

Started lesson with Circles group clap while counting to and from 10. Used clapping to get the children moving while counting. Good idea to focus in those children that may lose concentration. This was good to keep the group involved especially with some of the children in the group.

Turned over number on the hundreds board and the children needed to tell the teacher what the number is and then they were instructed to write it down on their whiteboards.

Talked to Ella who was working independently about using an inside voice.

What is the number before 5? “How old were you before you were 4?” One child answered 4. Children wrote down 4 on their whiteboard.

Asked Cameron to explain how he knew the answer. He was slow in giving his answer but went to share but was interrupted by Carter who spoke for him.

Spoke to Ella again about the volume of her voice.

Modelled writing the numbers on the whiteboard. “What number comes next after 5?” “Here’s a tricky one…what number is after 9?”

Group goes off to write before and after numbers for independent activity. Use a number line to help you practice your numbers.

Diamonds are called to the mat. Can you get number lines for me please?

Share the learning intention for the group and told them it was going to be similar to the previous day. “We are going to work on learning about numbers before and after. Start by placing your peg on number 7.””

Eric interrupted to show that he had finished, he then interrupted again to ask what to do.

What number comes before?” Children put their pegs onto the number that comes before. “Give yourself a pat on the back for getting it correct.”

3-2-1 Freeze. Stopped the class to bring down the noise level, ask the previous group how their activity was going and remind them that you will be checking their work. Also reminded children who had been on one activity to move onto a new task. Noise level came down but started to creep back up when they were working again.

What number comes before and after lesson continued. Children were engaged and follow the instructions. Children were then given a follow up activity.

Triangles called to the mat. Ella reminded about the volume of her voice and that she is inside. Diamonds made their way to desks to work sensibly on follow up task. Monitored the children who are on the playdough. Questioned them about what they were doing and put them back onto the set task.

Lesson is on teen numbers.

Write down the number 18. “How do you write 18?” Tamati answered “1 and 8”. Gave good praise to Tamati. “See you can do it!” Children peered up with the person next to them on the mat. One child puts down 10 fingers while the other child chooses how many fingers they put down. Together they count the total number of fingers and write the number down. Peers share back to the group. Helped a peer that was struggling and share it with the group. Got the children to then write the number. Used the hundreds board and got the children to read the teen numbers out of sequences as the teacher flipped them over. “Keep mouths closed and just write down the number.” Teacher puts down 10 fingers and chooses a child to show fingers. Children write down answer they see.

“Ka Pai” praised the group for their good work.

Clapped hands and said “Hands on top”, children replied “everybody stop”. Gave tidy up instructions and children went about tidying the room. All children are helping to tidy the room. Continued to praise the children for tidying up.

Overall a good lesson. It’s early in the year and the children as still getting into the routines of Must Do and Can Do activities.


Classroom is looking very good. Writing is displayed on the walls along with current artworks and rainbow printing among other displays. The room is continuing to fill up with the children’s work and is a space the children are happy in and their work is certainly valued. I really like the first day of school hand prints. What a great keepsake for parents and children to look back on in the future.

Ideas for next time:

–        There are some children who need to be refocused at times. Keep working on redirecting their focus                  onto you and your lesson.

–        Try Think – Peer – Share

–        Record down some of the group lesson on a modelling sheet. This can then go up on your Maths wall.

–        Monitor children working independently. Ask them to share what they are doing between groups. Stop            the class so they can share and everyone can see.

–        Remember to share your Learning Intention with the group.

–        Set up some the children can put finished work so they don’t interrupt you during a lesson.

–        If you’re not happy with the noise stop the class.

–        You don’t have to see every group every day. See two a day and give yourself more time with each group.

–        Try getting the children to complete Must Do activities first and then they can go onto Can Do’s. This                  could stop children from being on one activity for a long time and also spread out children who are on              the play dough initially.


Maths is definitely not my strength in this year level and not feeling 100 percent during this lesson I thought it didn’t go well at all. I think because I set such high expectations for myself and I am such a perfectionist I do find I need to go a little easier on myself. Getting this feedback will definitely help with my maths programme and have got many ideas to put in place. Knowing that I don’t have to do all three maths groups during one lesson makes maths not so rushed and will be amazing!

Numeracy Observation Year 2
Curriculum Area: Numeracy Year 2 Date: 28th February 2017
Observer: Dani Clarke Role: Beginning Teacher
Warm Up: Skip counting in twos, skip counting in threes you tube clips

Class watch the screen and join in. Mrs P explains to children about skip counting modelling how skip counting works. Discussions within the class about even and odd numbers.

Skip counting activity. Students in pairs get given a bag of objects with numbers on them. But have not been told what to do with them. They need to used their initiative to work out what to do with the objects. Students work out that they have odd or even numbers and put them in order. The students become very excited with this activity when they know what they have achieved. Students then join up with another group (odd and even joined) and make one large number line.

Maths Board: One student to report back on what Mrs P is doing to make sure they are listening. Modelling: write numbers in back of maths books. Explaining numbers need to be written in one square and also talks about making mistakes and that it is okay to make mistakes and either put a simple cross through it or use an eraser. The class do this Skip counting.

Must Do’s: Write numbers back of maths books then go onto Maths Can Do’s.  When students finish their work they put it in a place to get marked.

Maths Groups work at jelly bean table with Mrs P. First group brings their maths book and pencil case to the jellybean table they are writing numbers with the help from Mrs P. They practice their skip counting by highlighting every second number. After writing their numbers they look at numbers or use a number line and skip count by looking at the numbers and recalling them.

Students have a new marble game to play which they are all excited about. A very noisy class during maths but not usually like this. Mrs P let them as it would be unfair to ruin their fun.

 Helpful hints from observations:

  • Noise level: have class stop what they are doing and tell them to whisper to the person next to you, “That’s the noise level!”
  • First group follow up activity.
  • Do one group and then go out for a brain break to settle class and carry on with groups two and three.