Professional Relationships
Establish and maintain professional relationships and behaviours focused on the learning and wellbeing of each learner.
Tataiako Competency.pngTangata Whenuatanga Affirming Māori learners as Māori, providing contexts for learning where the language, identity, and culture of Māori learners and their whānau is affirmed.
Whānaungatanga– actively engaging in respectful working relationships with Māori learners, parents, whanau, hapū and iwi.
Manaakitanga-Showing integrity, sincerity, and respect towards Māori beliefs, language and culture.
Ako- taking responsibility for their own learning and that of Māori learner.
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WHAT: What is the learning/teaching experience?

A new class, new year level, new team. What a challenge. The last two weeks have all been about setting up classroom routines and figuring out the best behaviour management. I did not have a chance to observe any Year 3 teachers at the end of 2017 due to busy schedules and other than practical placements years ago I had no idea about teaching year 3 and felt completely out of my comfort zone. On the last day at school in 2017 we did have the opportunity to meet our class and introduce ourselves. That was great to put names to faces. However, teaching them I am so overwhelmed. There has been plenty of tears over the last couple of weeks. Just trying to get my feet on the ground and set up these routines and expectations.

The first week was getting to know the class and getting to know what they can and cant do and I was so impressed with how independent they are compared to year ones. It makes me excited and my brain is in overdrive with ideas what I can do with them.

Behaviour management is slightly different with year threes and I’ve really had to come up with the some new ways to gain the students attention and control their behaviours. At this stage I haven’t had any students that have stood out with behaviour problems but it is early days so will see how this goes.

During Week two I went and observed my team leader to see if I was on the right track with what I’m doing and to look at his ways of routines and expectations, watching him gave me some great ideas that I will be putting in place.

SO WHAT: What did I learn?

Although I now have been teaching for a year and a half a new year level completely threw me. What I have learned is well the students can communicate, how capable and independent the learners are and you can’t use the same behaviour management resources as teaching year ones.

NOW WHAT: Next Steps

Next steps to put in place are continuing to develop routines and expectations. Creating a ‘warning box’ to put on the board and this will be used if the students misbehave. Their names are written in this box and if they get two strikes beside their name they will either be removed from the class or will have jobs to do during morning tea and lunch. I have also created a peg system that has different levels of behaviour e.g when students make good choices they move the peg up. this is to encourage the positive behaviour.

FOR WHAT: Which criteria does this fulfil?

Standard Two Standard Three Standard Six